Well, I haven't posted for 6 weeks - I haven't completely lost motivation or put on weight, I moved house and my computer died, so it's taken me a little while to get back online.
The last few weeks have been hard. I've been really slack with the bike, because I find it so boring to do without being able to watch something while doing it. I'd watch tv shows on my computer while on the bike, but now, with it also being really cold, I'm really lacking motivation. I've been eating well, but not 100% of the time, I've gone out a bit, and on weekends I've been struggling a bit. I'm a little concerned about the wedding - I leave on July 28 for canada, and I need to fit into a size 38 pants, and a size 44 jacket. I think I'll be ok with the pants, it's the jacket I'm a little concerned about. My mate is sending me the suit and it should be here in 2 weeks, so I'll know if I need to start starving myself....
I weighed myself this morning and I was 127kg exactly. I'm happy with that - 30.6kg down is a great effort and I know it. What's disappointing is I know if I'd really worked hard the last 6 weeks, I could be under 120, and not stressing about this suit. I'm not sure how it happens, but I know Ive gotta fit into it, but I still do stupid things like ordering that hash brown with my sunday brunch that I know I dont need. And I need to just get back on the bike....
Anyway, at least I'm still going in the right direction. I'll try listening to music on the bike, or something - I have to. I can really feel the fitness I've lost in the last month that I haven't been using it.
People are really starting to notice the weightloss, so thats good, and I had to go out and buy some new jeans, and I need new work pants because they really are just to big.
Massively Inspired me mate.. im starting off where you did.. wish me luck