Jan 24, 2011

7 days in

Well, 1 week in and my 2nd weigh in - 153kg (337.3 pounds). Happy with that - 4.7 kg in the first week! I know a lot of that is fluid etc, but it's a good start. My goal this week is to use the exercise bike at least 20 minutes every day.


  1. Well done!! You had a great starting week, you should feel proud of yourself mate :)
    Keep going, dont give up. Remember it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, stick with it and I promise it will start to feel a little easier.
    You can do this!

  2. Thanks Rogue! I like that stat! come on day 21..

  3. Well I figure it helps heaps if you break it down into smaller chunks. Ever heard that saying "How do you eat an elephant?" answer "One bite at a time."?
    I have more success when I break it down into smaller doable goals. The 21 day habit thing is a helpful one, gives you inspiration to keep going.
    Hope its all going well for you today. Happy Australia Day too :)
